composition: creat your own stories

Read the general instructional objective and opecific instructional objectives

a.      General Instructional Objective:
The studenta are able to develop their imagination in story-telling
b.   Opecific Instructional Objectives:
1)      The students are able to create the story by the topic given
2)      The students are able to change the end of  a story
3)      The students are able to tell the pictures given

Motivate your self

1.      After finishing the lesson, I must be able to describe ...

2.      After finishing the lesson, I know ...

3.      After finishing the lesson, I want to ...


1)      How many stories that you have read?
2)      How about the end of this story?
3)      Can you change ending that story with your own version?


Look the funny picture above. (discuss with your friends)
·         Tell it to your teacher

Read these jokes. (works in pairs)
First joke
So, I’m sitting down and my mum says to my dad:

Mum: hi, where did you go this morning?
Dad:  i went out to the local market.
Mom: ok.
Dad: why? What’s wrong?
Mom: did you make your du’a?
Dad:  du’a for what?
Mom: the du’a for entering the market! You know, laa ilaaha illallah wahdahu laa shareekalahu.... you must remember to make it before you walk into the market, because that’s where all the shaytans are, it’s their favorite place you  know.
Dad: woman, i made that du’a the second i stepped out the house. There is plenty of nangi shaytans around here forget about over there.   (Sheikh abu Easa Niamatullah; 20 nov 2013)

Second joke
If you want Asians to come on time to a wedding at 7.30pm you need to write 5.30 pm on the card….but if the shops on Boxing Day open at 8 am they come few hours early…I don’t call them Asians, I call them crazyans!”
(Sheikh Hasan Ali; Dec 26, 2014)
Tell it to your friend.
Follow the instruction from teacher in order to lower your anxiety through simple relaxation by taking a deep breath and performing these exercises: (optional)
·         Slowly tense and then relax your foot muscles,
·         Push your arms toward table or chair for a short time, and then release the pressude
·         Press the palms of your hands together at the same time, then release, repeat as necessary.

1.      Watch the video which given by teachers (work in pairs)
·         Practice with your friend to change the end of the story
·         Tell it to your friend

1.      The begining of story, the author tell about.....

2.      In the middle of the story is......

3.      At the end of this story is.....

   How to create a new story:
You can flesh out a completely new ending for the story you chose by writing a polished piece or you can simply jot down some notes or an outline that explain how your new ending will differ  from the original.
Write a few sentences about how your new ending might affect the integrity of the piece or how a different ending might  have changed the world.
Turn this exercise on its head and change the opening of the story. Tell the story from a different character’s point of view.
Which story ending will you change? You can pick one that you did not like much and fix it by giving it a better ending or choose a story with an ending you loved, just to see what a different outcome would have been like.

If I had met Rasulullah SAW
Rasulullah is  the Prophet of islam religion, All of muslim and muslimah wish they could meet with him. I as one of muslimah If I had met The Prophet I would have been happy. Because  met with him is a big honour. If i had met with him i would have so many things that i want to ask.  i would  asked him what his felt  about  he have became a Prophet. If that happened I would be thankful for his aswers.
Questions : 1.Create a story about If I had met The Prophet!
        2.Develop your idea by create your own story!!

source: made by me
Motivation and Wise Expression           
“Dear Parents
How do you expect kids to listen to their parents when…
* Tarzan lives half naked,
* Cinderella comes home at midnight,
* Pinocchio lies all the time,
* Aladdin is the king of thieves,
* Batman drives at 200 mph,
* Romeo and Juliet commit suicide out of love,…
* Harry Potter uses witchcraft,
* Mickey and Minnie are more than just friends,
* Sleeping Beauty is lazy,
* Dumbo gets drunk and hallucinates,
* Scooby Doo gives nightmares,
* and Snow White lives with 7 guys.
We shouldn’t be surprised when they misbehave, they get it from their storybooks and cartoons!
We should instead be teaching them stories like
Abu Bakr (ra)’s loyalty and undying service for his master,
Umar ibn Khatthab (ra)’s love for justice and tolerance,
Uthman ibn Affan (ra)’s level of shyness and modesty,
Ali ibn Abi-Talib (ra)’s show of courage and bravery,
Khalid ibn Waleed (ra)’s desire of combating evil,
Fatima bint Muhammad (ra)’s love and respect to her father,
Sallahuddin Al-Ayubi (rh)’s conquest of the promised land,
and much much more…
Above all, we should teach them about Allah (swt), Qur’an and the Sunnah!”
(Shaykh Zahir Mahmood; Sept 25, 2013)
Asking Questions
1.      Ask question to your teacher

2.      Watch the film carefuy the fims are: The Message (1977), Hur Adam (2011), and Children of Heaven (1997). (source: website)

·         Choose one the most you like

·         Change or continue the end of the story with your own version.

·         Tell it to your friends.

Look at the following pictures. (work in pairs)
a.       Students A tells Journey To Mecca and B tells The Kingdom of Solomon

                                            JOURNEY TO MECCA
Create a short story by seeing this picture!

Create a short story by seeing this picture!
b.      Read text

Abu Nawas and the elephant

Seeing the elephant persistence Abu Nawas more curious. Until he came forward to try. After dealing with the beast Abu Nawas asked, “Do you know who i am? Elephant shook his head. “are not you afraid of me?” said Abu Nawas again. But the elephant was still shaking his head. Are you afraid of your masker?” said Abu Nawas fishing. The elephant began to doubt. “if your remain silent then i will report to your master.” Abu Nawas began to threaten. Finally, the elephant was forced to nod. The successof Abu Nawas make the elephant nodded then he got a gift of a lot of money. Remarkable angry elephants owner until he beat the poor animal. Owner of elephant was absurdly shy. The next day he wants to atone for his defeat. This time he trained elephant nodded. He even threatened to severely punish the elephant when to be lured audiences nod-mainly by Abu Nawas. No matter what the question asked. Awaited moment arrived. Now the audience who wants to tries, should be able to make elephant shook his head.. then as the day before, the audience doesnot force the elephant could not shake his haid. Having nothing to try, Abu Nawas forward,  he repeated the same question.

·         Change or continue the end of the story with your own version.
·         Tell it to your teacher.

Goal: Think Before You Act

Discussing the reading hadist
Read alquran
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Hai Rasul, tell what things which deliver to you from your God. And if not you do (what Allah SWT order so) you dont convey His  instruction. Allah maintain you from bad human. In truth, Allah dont give guidline to infidel people. (QS. Al Maidah : 67)

 Read Culture Corner. (discuss with your friends)
a. Do language task “Your Turn To Talk”

-The way we greeting someone in western and minangkabau-
A kiss (or two), a hug, a handshake, a bow…introductions to someone new, someone old, someone blue – oops, sorry, that’s for brides.
Whether you’re meeting a friend for a morning cup of coffee or attending a business conference with a room full of strangers, there will likely be some type of greeting exchanged between you and at least one other person. Pleasantries – “hi, how are you?” are considered proper etiquette. But in most cultures, greetings are much more than that. It’s not just your words, but your body language as well. Like minangkabau people usually greetings with sentence “Ba a kaba?” or apa kaba?. Because most of minangkabau follow islam religion, so they greeting using ‘assalamu’alaikum’ the meaning of this is may peace be upon you.  In most polite situations, use the honorifics ‘Mas’ or ‘Pak’ or ‘Bu’ or 'Mba'(spelled embak) before a person’s name.  And smile when you speak, Indonesians are as a whole, open and friendly people. Smiles will do magic to oil social interactions with them. A slight nod/bow is also a common practice. The bowing should not be equated with subservience, but with extreme politeness. Westerners should not let it bother them.   Meanwhile an American, I was taught as a wee little one how to introduce myself to someone. Extend your arm and give a good firm handshake. Don’t squeeze too hard or you come across as off-putting and don’t be too wimpy or you’ll be viewed as weak.
During business meetings, social gatherings and every other situation, handshakes are exchanged like boxes of chocolate on Valentine’s Day. It’s a polite way to introduce yourself while still maintaining a certain amount of space.
some tips on how we Americanos greet one another. Take note…
HANDSHAKE  – If you’ve seen any American movies featuring suit-and-tie white-haired executives in a typical office setting, then you’re probably familiar with the handshake. Although it’s the stereotypical greeting between those in the “Good ole’ boys club,” a handshake is the most common way to introduce yourself to someone in the United States.
HUG Americans aren’t so cold that we don’t occasionally give one another a hug. This is usually reserved for greetings between female friends and family members. It’s rare that you will see two males hugging unless a handshake turns into a hug with a pat on the back.
FIST PUMP A common greeting between male friends is the fist pump. Although the fist pump is most common among teenage boys, I’ve recently witnessed grown men do it as well. There are various takes on this, including the fist pump and hand explosion. Occasionally there is a fist pump between a male and female, but it’s rare. You will never see two females pump fists…well, only to ridicule the move!
You           Write one paragraph about your favorite islami singer or group that are popular
learn to    and tell it in front class

a.      Comment the presentation of your friends
1.      Well, I think your description is...
2.      Your description is clear and....
3.      Ok. Could you tell us more slowly because....
b.      Make conclution about the lesson. (Discuss with your teacher)l

The teacher informs the students who have the best presentation. This reward will be accumulated for the final score.
      Criteria the best performance:
a.       Participate actively in class discussion
b.      Speak clearly with proper pronunciation
c.       Speak expressively with feeling
d.      Speak loud enough to be heard

Sing the song of zaky ‘Allah Created Everything’
1.      Sing it in front of class
1.      Create a story with interesting topic.
2.      It will be performed in front of class.

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